Designing the net

To develop the presence of a company or an institution in the Internet is much more complex than just designing a few screens. It involves taking various types of communication, technology and design decisions.

The marketing/communication, IT and design areas should be involved in the creation of a website, as a dynamic interdisciplinary team is required for this type of project.

Diseñando la Red · tpG # 40

In 1999, after finishing the project of the Akademie Schloss Solitude’s website, we wrote the article Diseñando la Red to be published in tipoGráfica magazine, issue #40. There we analyzed the scope of designing and developing a project for the Internet.

Later on, we gave a talk on this matter in the Akademie Schloss Solitude. We’ve called this presentation Designing the Net (of Solitude).

And a few months later, we were invited to expand this topic and talk in the Rotis Symposion, a conference helded in the former house and studio of Otl Aicher, in Rotis (Germany). The text of our talk was translated to German and printed in the book Gebrauch und Gebräuchlichkeiten. Vom Umgang mit den Dingen und ihrer Gestalt. Ein Symposion in Rotis., Munich: Christian Pixis Verlag, 2000.


  • Diseñando la Red (63.52 KB). Translation of the article printed on tpG #40.
  • Designing the Net (102.69 KB). Article printed in the book Gebrauch und Gebräuchlichkeiten.